
Sleep Guide To Manage Sleep And Studies

#1. Always Eat Healthy Foods

Fatty foods usually make one feel sleepy and rather sluggish. The best way to remain alert and active all day is to consume a healthy and balanced diet, consisting of foods rich in fibre and nutrients such as soups, salads, and lentils. Also, remember to take plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Avoid eating cakes, sweets and chocolate to raise your blood sugar levels. However, fruits like apples, oranges and bananas have high sugar levels and provide a healthy alternative to processed sugars.

Lean proteins such as granola, nuts and seeds are a useful energy source; try taking granola or a little trail mix more often, add a little hemp to help.

#2. Get Enough Sleep

Not sleeping enough is often why many people end up feeling sleepy while doing important activities like studying. The recommended sleeping hours are seven to eight hours each night for good health. Making your bedroom conducive to sleep will help you to achieve this. Read Benchmade Modern’s customer feedback for the perfect furniture for your bedroom.

Ensure you sleep for seven or eight hours to remain active throughout the day and maintain your body in good health.

#3. Power Naps Are Important Too!

Reasonably, it is not always possible to get the needed sleep amount during the night or when studying for board exams. However, ensure you find time during the mid-hours of the day to take a power nap and compensate for the lost sleep hours.

Learn to take a break from your studies to take power naps of twenty to thirty minutes anytime you feel too sleepy. Such rest is important for overall health and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and focused on your studies.

#4. Drink Sufficient Amount Of Water Everyday

Not drinking an adequate amount of water is another reason many people fall asleep while reading. Studies have shown that dehydration can cause your brain to shrink!

The best way to keep your body hydrated all day long is to keep a water bottle on your studying desk and regularly sip a little water all day long. This is because time passes fast when studying or doing your board examinations, and it is easy to forget to drink enough water.

You must drink 2 litres of water every day to stay sufficiently hydrated. Once you have filled up a 2-litre bottle with water, purpose is to drink all the water before you go to sleep.

#5. Rise And Move About

Another alternative to taking power naps is getting up and moving around a little whenever you feel sleepy when reading for your exams. You do not have to exercise like in the gym. The aim is to keep your blood flowing to circulate oxygen to all body parts, particularly the brain.

Apart from stretching, consider dancing a little to a good song of your choice or going for a ten-minute walk outside. Another way to stop the “sleepy feeling” is to pace around your room.

#6. Avoid Studying For Long Periods Without A Break

Regardless of what some people may advise, it is practically impossible to study incessantly for five or six hours without a lapse of attention or focus.

The ideal period is two hours if you study for long durations. Additionally, the two-hour study duration can be divided into twenty-five-minute long study sessions while taking five minutes break between the sessions.

When taking the break, ensure you get up to stretch or do little breathing workouts. At the end of the two hours, ensure you go for a longer break of about twenty minutes.

#7. Read Audibly And Make Notes When Studying

One way to keep your mind focused and engaged in your studies and avoid falling asleep is to read aloud.

Additionally, ensure you write down some points to remember and keep track of what you are studying. Taking notes is one of the most effective ways of remembering what you are reading while keeping your mind and body awake and engrossed in your studies.


Jason is the voice behind WCO, dedicated to sharing insights and updates on everything related to online content and entertainment. Passionate about digital trends and storytelling, Jason delivers valuable perspectives to keep readers informed and entertained.

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